Thursday, February 28, 2019

love month and changes

We love Shamrock shakes, so as soon as they come out... were at Mc Donald's.
Montgomery and his dad got WWE RAW tickets for Christmas and went in February.
VALENTINE'S Day and Went out with MOM'S and BOYS!
We took some Valentine's Mini

 Change is a funny thing, not everyone can handle it. It can sneak up on you. Things are not what they used to be. Your whole world is transformed. You realize the ground below you has shifted. Things are uncertain, and there's no turning back. The world around you is different now. Unrecognizable...The future is staring you in face...
Life is full of changes. We are forced to make decisions every day. Sometimes these changes are easy; and other times they are hard. With so many changes, I’ve chosen to be Happy, I’ve taken the steps to stop living in the past and live for the future. With that said, I ask for prayers for Montgomery and I, as we adjust to these new changes & new address.
(We are still in the same town & Montgomery is still in the same school)

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