Saturday, September 6, 2014

Good & Bad

This week has been good and bad, up and down, laughter & tears!!! 

It started with Wednesday with bad: locking my keys in my car!
And good: Montgomery starting 2 year old preschool...
Last year in 1 year old preschool we did A-P. 
& another good: had a great time at federal park, Lake Michigan is now finally warm enough to swim in :)
Thursday: bad: my iPhone crashed to my bathroom floor and now only works when plugged in.
Good: lunch with an amazing friend, who also watched Montgomery at the Library on short notice!

Friday: not so good: missing my little man for the weekend.
And good: got to be me, hung out with a good friend:
Saturday: bad: sick of bullshit & drama
And good: I've lost weight, and feel great about how I'm looking in clothes:
So here's to a NEW WEEK!!!! 
Some are better than others and this I'm going to try like hell to make a great week!

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