Monday, August 6, 2012

12 weeks

Week 12: June 22-29 15# 4.5 oz
Size 2 target diapers
Went to nana and papa’s 6/23
Hung out downtown Ludington
NO MORE 3 month clothing
Some 3-6
Started 6 month clothing 6/29
Played a lot with mommy on the floor
Song: Jesus loves me
Love pacifier
New summer sheets for crib
NEW SNUGGY… I’m getting big
Cuddle time with mommy in the am in her bed
6oz. sometimes 8 before bed and breastfed
I love to wear hats
I wear shoes 98% of the time…
MOMMY said accorize
Played on mommy’s baby blanket
Mommy thought it was time for a microwave. lol
Auntie Cara bought me a cool new swim suit and tee from the Gap
Wore my first pair of croc’s 6/25
Brandon (seth’s daddy) babysat me so mommy
And joy could go belly dancing

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