Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools......

So today is April 1st!!! I was wondering what to do for today, had a few ideas...... So I logged onto FACEBOOK today, and changed my status to ENGAGED. I'm currently single and not getting married. I got a congrats ;) from my little sister who knows I'm not engaged Then I felt a little bad, cause I get what your engaged? and hey you need to call me and give me a update girl but really congrats! from a very good friend, was starting to feel a little bad about posting it, but was waiting for one person {in particular} to say something.... Another friend from high school said Congrats, and then my little cousin posted something about is this an April Fools or real?? and had to quick delete, cause of the one person I was waiting to see it.
I did it in all FUN!!!

BUT............ was not expecting the text I received.












So on another note......

dirk and I made

Doughnut Seeds.....

Grow your own Doughnuts at home :)


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